Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Some funny things

So here are a few of the funny things that have been said or done around our house in the last few weeks:

For Halloween's eve I dressed her in all the fun "spooky" (aka anything halloweenish) clothes we had including a pair of black candy corn leggings and a yellow sweater dress top...I put on some pink socks since you couldn't see them and some white tennis shoes. Ellie kept saying "shoe, shoe, shoe" and I kept reassuring her that "yes, we are putting your shoes on...yes, we've got your shoes on...okay great you're wearing shoes" Finally after the repeated conversation all they way down the stairs to the kitchen for breakfast i put her down and said "Okay, now walk away on your shoes while I make breakfast" I heard her still talking about her shoes while she headed back upstairs...a bit later I went to find her as she did not come to the kitchen for breakfast...which she is usually really into! Where did I find my little Princessa? Oh in her room with one of her shoes and socks off trying to put on her black mary jane shoe...As I walked in she began again "...shoe, shoe...." as she was holding her black shoe trying to get her foot into it!! So is this going to be a problem ....I realized what she wanted and began to put her sock back on so I could get her the shoes she wanted....oh no...of course you don't wear socks with mary silly of me..she squealed her disapproval of the socks and I got the message this time! Once her footwear was done up according to her preference she started talking about her food...we are going to have a little Prissy girl on our hands I have a feeling!!

In response to the previous story Gordon asked why she wanted to match....I explained that girls like to look nice and having things that match usually looks pretty response he said, "That's so weird"

When mom was visiting Gordon sat down at the table where she was doing some sewing on the Halloween costumes (THANKS MOM!!) and said to her (after finishing blowing his's the runny nose season for us here) "Grandma, You know snot is just a challenge for humans" and then hopped down and moved about to his next profound activity! Mom called it an epiphany I believe!

(warning: this first one's about poop)
He is our big boy as we are reminded a lot lately and as such a big boy he has decided occaionally that he would like to poop in the potty...however this is a clever tactic to be the sporadic pooper...he pulls out the interest with impeccable during sacrament meeting, when we're running late to be someplace, and bedtime...he can't be bothered when he's out playing or really any time other than those listed above...well during his "naptime" he was struck with the urge! We got him settled and he was " 'cited to poop on the potty!" I went ahead and put some laundry away while I waited for the deed to be over when I heard... "Woah, I have a big daddy hotdog (aka the costco dog). Moooooom, Come here...I have a big daddy hot dog." (I enter... and find him looking down into the pot...he points...sure enough...just like a big daddy dog--yuck!!!) Being the loving and encouraging mom I say "wow, babe that is a big daddy hot dog poop, Good job!!" Then he cocks his head and says "I love that big daddy hot dog poopie guy!" I ask him if he's all done (he should be because a costco dog is HUGE) I leave to finish the laundry...a few moments later "Mooooom, I have a banana..." Again...affirmative...just like a banana! I just simply say, "Well Oscar you do have some fancy poop today but don't call me again until you're done!! Finally he finishes his job and was so excited about all his "fancy poop" he told Gordon about it when he got home from preschool!

I LOVE MY CRAZY FUN LIFE....there's lots more where that came fact I should put some more in...but this post is long enough...

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