Thursday, January 10, 2008

Pictures from the MOVE

The #1 Best thing we did for the drive (besides have Candy & Merl drive the moving van) was to buy these headphones for the boys and THANK HEAVENS for a built in DVD player!
Our sweet little Otter Bots!Both boys had their drinks and "traveling baskets" filled with their favorite things...that they got to choose and pack for the long trip!

Ellie was such a little angel--like always!
Our faithful Pilot!


cutie pie said...

Looks like the kids had everything they needed. Good planning mom! P.S. cute pilot

TR said...

Long drives are hard with kids; looks like you made it ok!

Amber said...

So exciting! Moving is kinda fun.. at least looking back on it.. it's kinda different when you are actually in a car for 10+ hours. It's good to see an update.
And the kids are so darn cute as always!

Shelly Hyde said...

What a comfy setup... cant wait for you to come home!!!