Monday, January 28, 2008

President Hinckley Passes Away 01.27.08

We are so sad to see our beloved Prophet and President pass away. In fact when I was speaking to Gordon about it just a few minutes ago he got all teary eyed and said,
"But we didn't even get to see him yesterday. He will miss us."
"But just think how happy he is to be in heaven with Heavenly Father. "
"But mom, I just really like him down here. We won't get to listen to him anymore."
"Honey, just think about all the wonderful things that we've learned from him and then think how happy Heavenly Father is with all the work that he has done. He was so proud of him and told him it was time for him to come to Heaven and have a rest."
That seemed to settle him down a bit but he has still mentioned it a number of times today, that he is going to miss President Hinckley. It is amazing that even such a small child can know that President Hinckley was and is a very important man of God.
We love President Hinckley and will miss him dearly!

I just want to say that I know that he was a Prophet of God and that he is now returned to live with our Heavenly Father. I know that we will be blessed for following his teachings and trying to live our lives as he lived his! And I know that it may sound silly but I think that he is really happy to be back with his little wife--he missed her so much!

Here is the link to the story from the Church Website:


{amy k.} said...

Hey guys! How are you? Suzanne told me about your blog and I wanted to check it out- it's so good to know how you're doing! The neighborhood isn't nearly the same without you! How are things? Your baby girl is so big- I can't believe it, I swear I was just visiting you in the hospital! Anyways, just wanted to say- hope all is well!

Mark and Meghan said...

sad huh? i loved that man!

i'm just catching up on all your posts. i love the family pics. soo cute. and the cute video of eleanor! she's so cute leah. i miss you sooo much. when are you coming to utah to visit? how is ohio? i need to get my leah dose very soon! love you..meg

Julianne said...

So bittersweet. What an amazing man.