While home in Florida Shelly, Kara & I all took our baby girls to get their ears pierced...we had been talking & talking about it for so long and had decided we would do it all together! So we did...I must admit I was SO nervous getting out of the car at Claire's (cheesy that we had it done there but after talking to A LOT of people about it we decided that we should have someone do it that has done it so many times its like blinking...we were paranoid about having the holes uneven or off somehow! The lady there was the manager and had pierced on average 3 people everyday for the last 5 years...so I think she passed our test--on the other hand my pediatrician had only done about 50, she used the same gun they had at Claire's, she had less options in terms of earings and she cost way more $)but we braved it and we're SO glad we did...I love my little lady with her earings!

Doesn't Ellie look so excited?
In between Ears...thanks for holding her Kara...I wanted to be able to see the holes and approve their positioning! Eleanor was so brave....she had her sucker and stopped crying RIGHT after...and really didn't complain about them anymore...she just got bugged when I had to clean them all the time!
JOB WELL DONE...I was sweatin' it more than her...I was still so nervous at this point...but my nerves were subsiding!
It's almost like a family tradition now...when I was little my mom took me and all the girls (Vanessa 12, Erika 4.5, Me 3.5, Shelly 1.5, Kara 6 mos) to get our ears pierced...I loved having earing in all my pictures as a little girl and now Ellie will too!
LEah....well done with all the blogging. Isn't is satisfying!?
Oh, were you so sad watching her cry? The things girls have to do for beauty...
Hi Leah and family!! Cute blog. You are brave to get her ears pierced. Hope Ohio is treating you well still! We miss it there!
How are you? It's fun to see what you have been up to. Your family is darling and you look great!
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