Park Hopper Passes for the whole Family...$0
thank you thank you thank you ERIN & BOBBY!!!!
Parking at Magic Kingdom...$10
Mickey Mouse Ice Creams for 4...$20
Lunch at the Cosmic Ray's Cafe for 4...$27Souveniers...$47
Going to Disney with your own kids for the first time...PRICELESS!
The boys were wary at first of this "gigantic Buzz Lightyear" but soon warmed up to him!
We LOVED the Buzz Lightyear get to shoot the bad guys!

Auntie Jenny (Steve's sister) was such a great help on this fun filled long day at Disney...
WE LOVE AUNT JENNY!!!Thanks for all your help!

It was a HOT day and it is one of my favorite childhood memories to get a Mickey Mouse ice cream treat so we decided to take a break, eat some ice cream and watch a little sidewalk show! I love that at any point during the day you can find something to do that is perfect for catching a break...I love DISNEY!!
...seriously you have to be one big GROUCH to not LOVE DISNEY...

Steve and Jenny had the boys up on shoulders to see Story Time with Belle...Darling...a must do...Belle chooses children out of the audience to come up and dress up as part of the story/play that she narrates!

Okay so at about 3:00 right when Steve was thinking we would be one the road home...we took another little break and got on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority ride (it's like a train on an elevated track that takes you all around Tommorowland and tells about what you see, it even goes inside the different buildings of the rides--it's like a sneak peak of Tomorrowland)...well within minutes both Oscar and Steve were out! So we had some snacks and enjoyed the cool breeze! (we went 3 times...they let us stay on when they saw the sleepers!) about 5:00 pm we went over to Hollywood Studios (formerly known as MGM Studios) to meet up with Steve's brother Matt and some friends that were in town (Meghan & Casey Getz & boys) We had a great dinner at a cute little diner and rode the tower of terror...we even took Gordon...Steve and I were a little gullible to take the advice of Matt & Casey that "it will be fine, it's not scary at all" YEAH RIGHT...if it weren't for Steve and I laughing and talking in ridiculously cheerful voices the poor boy would have had nightmares for weeks...Thanks guys! He made it though and did feel ultra cool at Matt& Casey making such a fuss about how brave he was and how cool he was for going on that big ride. I wish I had some pictures of his face during that ride...eek...and hilarious!

A HUGE hit in Hollywood Studios was the Star Wars ride...Gordon rode it twice...Oscar was too short but he did love riding on all the replica machines that they had planted around the area. Of course this is where both boys decided they wanted to get their souveniers...and I can't say I blame them...when you exit almost any ride you end up in a gift shop...well this one is modeled like on of the Tatooene (sp) a sand igloo...and there is a station where a Jedi helper assists "younglings" (jedi's in training) to build their own light sabers. So the boys got to build their own custom light sabers....pretty cool I must admit and not too $$ only $20...oh and they got collector's pins too...ohhhh...I guess pins are hot at Disney!
Well so we decided that we would stay for, supposedly, Disney's best night time show...Fantasmic...and to tell the truth it probably would have been cool if Steve and I were there without the was SO loud and SO scary...the premis is that Mickey has to fight all the "forces of evil" aka EVERY SINGLE BAD GUY ever made in a Disney save Minnie...all while they are trying to get had a lot of cool but scary special effects lots of fireworks and well lots of fire...we only stayed for about 10 minutes of the 30+ minute show...but maybe next year when they're older? or maybe not!

We did it...we stayed until park closing...our boys were such troopers! I said this to them as we walked out to the car and Gordon perked up and said "We're storm troopers?" needless to say they were delirious and rightly so! We walked in the door at just after 1:00 am and fell into bed!
Phew, Disney is great!