Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Early Morning Walk: SLC 09.25.07

One morning while in Utah with Eleanor I got up one morning early and decided to take a walk around the neighborhood! Little did I know it was going to be FREEZING in Utah in September--fully equipped with snow and frosted mornings! We borrowed some warm clothes and blankets and headed out to enjoy the beautiful sights--WE MISS THE MOUNTAINS and yes a tiny part of me misses the autumn chill in the air! Here's some pictures of my little dear! She is so cute all ruddy cheeked and bundled up...I have a feeling we'll have a lot more pictures of her like this to come--stay posted for the news!


Mark and Meghan said...

so cute..and don't even say you miss utah! it's just because you don't live here! so good to see you by the way...i want more leah!

Anonymous said...

Okay I love the "chilled" look she has here. And please tell me where those boots/shoes Eleanor is wearing are from? So adorable!!