Wednesday, August 18, 2010

keep tahoe blue...

I see these bumper stickers all over Northern California...and now I need one....I am a believer!!

We went up to meet Shelly and her most darling Hydes up at the great blue wonder and I felt shamed all day that I have such a natural paradise in my backyard and have not taken advantage of's to a wonderful day amongst the gold speckled crystal blue water, huge rounded granite rocks, steep wooded cliffs, priceless vistas, crayfish, little fishes, kayaking, laughing and hiking (we had to park precariously on the side of the winding road and take one of the national parks trails into our spread)!!

on the hike in from the car...we dropped all the kids and gear at the boat ramp then parked away since the lots were full

looking for signs of wildlife

Maggie was the most agreeable little babe...she just crawled around snacking on treats and sand...such a precious girl!

little bits of fools gold float around all over the water is is really magical...
gordon and jackson were fast friends...they were very adventurous much to the distress of Ezra who was quite a bit more cautious!

My sister and baby Hazel...on the hike back to the cars

a passerby offered to take this picture for us...too bad we look super-imposed on the scene

It was so funny to hear this conversation between the boys on our way back to the Hyde's "beach cabin" as Goldie called it....
Oscar: "Mom, are all those kids our cousins too?"
before I could even respond...
Gordon: "No, ugh, those are our cousin-in-laws."
Well at least now it's happy we are to have such wonderful cousin-in-laws!!

Such a great day!!
Thanks for letting us crash the Hyde girls party!!

* a note we had a real good time "rock exploring" the lack in number & quality of pictures of oscar is due to his desire to stay back at the beach spot and dig...not a bad choice but I am sad we didn't get more pics of our little handsome man at this picture perfect spot!


Shelly Hyde said...

leebs. So happy you came to be with us. it was so much fun. Wish we lived closer. Thanks for posting the pics. Miss you. Love you

abbie said...

these picture are SO beautiful leah!

Shelly Hyde said...

leah!!! I love your blog. its so beautiful. get some pics up there already

Melissa said...

Looks like so much fun! Your family is awesome - glad you made the most of the end of summer. Lots of fun memories I'm sure.