Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sibling Rivalry...?

I think that sibling rivalry with a new baby is a myth!! My kids LOVE LOVE LOVE their baby sister!! It's all I can do to keep her to myself!

..though sometimes she lets me know she's done making the rounds!!

I just want to say as well that my big boys Gordon & Oscar are such GREAT helpers! They are always so cheerful when asked to do anything for her! It has been a treat! Ellie is helpful but only when she's in the mood she is easily distracted...she is 2 after all!!


Mark and Meghan said...

leah! love little maggie...she's so adorable in her little jammies with gordon and oscar! you look beautiful on her blessing day, and sad that you didn't get too good of pictures of the little rugrat! wish i could hold her and squeeze her.

your family is so and miss you! xox

Amber said...

REally? How do you have such amazing kids?!
Oh yeah, they have Leah for their mom! : )

This is so sweet that the kids love her so.

Shelly Hyde said...

There's that adorable crying mouth, again!