Thursday, February 12, 2009

I love Conjunctivitis!

So this is how our poor little Ellie woke up Friday January 30th...needless to say we went into the Doctor's promptly after and found out she had Conjunctivitis...oh and Oscar had double ear infections too!! So after picking up her $92 eye drops (yeah...the doctor was worried because the swelling was SO bad that she needed the strongest stuff!! it was like putting fire in her eyes...she hated them!) and a round of Antibiotics for both kids we went home to be QUARANTINED!

We're all better now and glad to have our little beauty back to her non-swollen self!

1 comment:

Mark and Meghan said...

okay wait, what is the little widget on the side!!!! you're pregnant!!!! why haven't you told yet???? anyway congrats on that one...hellloooo!!!

and poor little girl. my kids just got over that pink eye stuff, but never looked that bad, and their drops (i could share!) and only cost 25 bucks. sorry about the cost of those...that hurts!

love you...