Sunday, September 14, 2008

Eleanor got tubes...

Our sweet little Ellie girl was dealt a bad hand with respect to her ears (thanks to her daddy!)!! This little girl has essentially been on antibiotics for the last 9 months! She has had 12 ear infections!! So it was decided that she was not going to grow out of it and that she needed to have tubes put in her ear drums to help her drain the fluid that tends to gather there...the tubes will stay in between 6-18 months and then we'll see if she has grown enough to fix the angle of her eustation tubes!!!
Here is our Princessa waiting to be given her gown! So happy...for now!

Getting checked in and settled took a bit so I was busy entertaining her with the camera and whatever I could find in my purse...oscar's sunglasses...a phone!

It is about 7:20 and we left the house at 5:45 am...we had to be at the hospital 1.5 hours in advance...crazy...and E could not have anything to eat or drink after she is getting restless...Finally Ellie got suited up for the procedure...she looks so stinkin' cute in blue!

...getting sleepy...getting cranky...

She did not want to go with the nurse and actually Steve almost didn't let her...he is a sucker for his baby girl...but we knew she needed to get her poor ears fixed so we let our sweet girl go to be remedied by Dr Rubin (who was wearing V-necked scrubs with no undershirt and a big fat gold chain...nice huh?...I wish I had a picture of him with her!)

It was amazing the procedure took about 9 minutes to do...and about another hour before we could be discharged...they had to put her to sleep so we had to wait for her to recover and stuff...and now she is feeling so much better! We got home and she took a 3.5 hour nap and when she woke up she didn't miss a beat! I think she is hearing better now though since she for almost the first time has no goo behind her eardrums...I am so grateful for Medical Help!
3 cheers for doctors!!!


Mark and Meghan said...

leah..i cannot believe how stinking cute she is..she's grown up since the last time i saw her! sad that it's been that long! i'm glad that the procedure went well and that she's doing better. i would've died giving her to the dr. too!! :(

Erika Anderson said...

She is SOOOO cute....fluid behind the ears has been jett;s hearing problem. Took him to the DR yesterday and his hearing checked out ok. (since he had previously failed the schools hearing test)

Shelley said...

What a hard morning for all of you. She is cute! You always have the cutest little bows in her hair. I'm glad she is feeling better.