Sunday, August 31, 2008

random post...thanks Kara!

Okay so I know that I am a failure blogger but I just saw this on my little sis' page and though it could be kind of funny!! Oh and I am working on the back kills me...I wish I could outsource the actually posting...I love the doing and taking pictures however I feel like I need a personal assistant...anyone know of of one I could get for gratis??

Okay so here are the rules for the game/thing....

1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember.

2. Next, repost these instructions on you blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. it's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to you blog and leave one about you. if you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


Jordan & Shanda said...

So one of my favorite memories with you is when we had to take Gordon to the ER because of the toilet paper rod stuck on his finger! It's not funny that he had such a rough time with it- it's just the picture that pops up in my head--super man undies(on backwards), Josie's pink flip flops, and the foot long rod!! I think of pedicures, lube, and Gordon's fav word-POOP- because that was the main cause!

Shelly Hyde said...

So i can remember clearly the time we took mom's rental for a spin... you and amber were 15 w/ your permits and i was well... 13 and you made me drive home, when we got caught,so you wouldnt get your permit taken away.

Shelly Hyde said...

oh yes and the time you jumped off the roof and broke your foot... oops i mean the slide.

Dani said...

well I have a memory when I was your visiting teacher and annie and i were over at your house in provo, gordon was like younger than 2 and he was walking around. you said, "I think he's like the cutest kid I've ever seen. Do all people think that about their children?" And then you told us about how he pointed at the halloween picture of him the year before dressed as a zebra and he would say, "look, it's a baby zebra goga!" I love that story. I also love how he could pronounce all those huge dinosaur names!

Abby said...

My first memory of you is in our ward in Provo, right after you and Steve moved in. Jacob had warned us that you guys were coming so I was on the look out for you. What I remember most was your honkin' turquoise ring. I LOVED it. I stared at it all through Sunday school and knew right away you were my kinda gal!