Tuesday, May 25, 2010

T-ball, T-ball, T-ball

here it is folks....T-ball!
this is just a little sample of the recent pics....

Gordon is on the Blue Jays (to which he was initially very sad, "birds are wimpy"! I, the quick-thinker, recalled once hearing about how Blue Jays fiercely defend their nests and thus regaled him with their fierce tactics and clever ways...he is now proudly a Blue Jay...they are fierce defenders right?) Gordy is getting faster...unfortunately neither Steve nor I have been endowed with much speed....maybe Gordon will get his Uncle Matt's wheels! He also is known for running to first base with his bat, "I just keep forgetting to drop it" I have taught him well not to throw things like that, and it's a hard habit to break! Best all-time game move: going up to a runner on the other team and trying to make them go back because they did not touch first base.

I just love seeing them all crouched down like they're really ready for something...

Oscar is on the Cubs (he instantly said "woo hoo!! Bears are awesome" no need for quick thinking there!)....Oscar LOVES to talk about playing but is very easily distracted! Best all-time game move: Fielding his own hits!

and a few shots of the boys favorite spectators...

1 comment:

Shelly Hyde said...

leeee. i cant believe how old gordo is. The kids are just adorable. i am loving all the posts. Cant wait til you get home:)
and im ready to swap back bags when you get home!