Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Gordon Started Kindergarten TODAY!!!
He was so excited!
We let him pick what he wanted for Breakfast and he chose his favorite eggs....aka Aunt Erika's Specialty Eggs (cheesy eggs)

Getting on the bus!!
It was a crazy morning and the bus showed up 10 minutes early so Gordon ate his lunch on the bus!! Whoops....
He was so excited to go that I had to chase him out the door to give him his backpack and stop him to actually get his picture!

All done with first day!
When asked how it went he said, "It was so sweet"

I also asked him what his favorite part was and he answered, "Making new friends, especially my new friend Michael with the brown shirt"

You are growing up so fast Gordon I cannot believe it! I love you--good job!

1 comment:

abbie said...

okay, are you saying he ate his lunch on the bus on the way to school? just a little post-breakast, mid-morning snack? LOL. i love it!