Thanks to my wonderful and generous Mother who came to watch our oldest 3 kids (and Healthcare REIT) I got to go with Steve to Chicago for 6 days & 5 nights!! It was wonderful!
Some of the sights

The bean...

Some of the sights
The bean...
The Lego Store
The moving water Scuplture in Grant Park...the kids would have LOVED this!
It was so fun just having Maggie...I got to catch up on some picture time!I just wish I had a better camera!!
We also tried to get in a little tummy time
(we don't do much of that at home since there is a likely chance she'll be bothered!!)
As you can see she got a little worn out towards the end!
On Friday we got to go out and take a look around the city a little...a very little...we only made it up Michigan Avenue and then we were excited to go meet up with friends!
This is us in front of the Tribune Building!
Steve was worn out....from his long week so Maggie & he took a quick nap before we hit the road!
We went down to the lakeshore and had a little Marshmallow Roast with our dear friends the Dowdles! started to rain so we had to make a hasty departure...but not before I clicked a quick shot....PS...we got SOAKED! but the hotdogs and marshmallows were delicious!!
Thanks to the Dowdles for the cozy accomodations and good times!
Thanks to the Dowdles for the cozy accomodations and good times!