Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our Christ Centered Christmas

This Christmas we are trying to focus our thoughts and actions more on Christ. We kicked off December with a family meeting on the true meaning of Christmas and on how we can share the spirit of Christ with others.

Here are some links to the videos we watched with the kids:
The Greatest Gift
Christmas Spirit
What Shall we Give

Here are the things we are going to do
  • We're reading the whole story of Christ's birth through all the gospels a little bit each night.
  • We're doing a "Good Deeds and Good Treats" Advent Calendar. (we really want our kids to learn to love serving others and not just waiting Each day they get to open a little box with a treat and a good deed challenge in it such as find some one who needs a hug today, pick up 3 pieces of trash you see, make a sibling's bed, Smile at 5 people on purpose, give your teacher a compliment....etc. Then we discuss what they did at dinner or during book time. 
  • We are going to sing Carols at an Old Folks Home on Christmas Eve.
What are some of your traditions that bring the spirit of Christ into Christmas?

Here are some of the kids comments after we asked them what they thought a Christ centered Christmas means:
Gordon: A Christ centered Christmas is about giving gifts to celebrate about Christ's Birth. We celebrate becuase he is our Savior. I like the gifts and the wise kings.

Oscar: It means we have lots of pictures of Christ so we can think about him and love him. We also help our mom and dad because we love them and want them to be happy. I like the presents and candy.

Eleanor: We get to play with our family and be nice like Jesus. I love to play with my Nativities, they are my favorite thing for Christmas. I also love candy canes to eat!

Here's to trying to make this Christmas our best ever....

1 comment:

Linnea said...

Love it! Such a wonderful idea. What an amazing family you have Leah!