1. Steve, Merl (Grandpa Ward), Candy (Grandma Ward), and a little bit me....worked for 2 days to put up an 8' fence to keep the Olympic Caliber deer (which are way too plentiful) out of our plot.
2. Roto-till the heck out of the ground.....check!
3. Buy lots of seeds & plants....check!
4. Plant, water, weed and watch....which was really not that much work though weeding was intense since our plot is rather large (every weeding day the kids each had to fill up their grocery bag with weeds....I helped them each youngest to oldest....it was fun to tell stories and talk though we had many a complaint along the way) There was always an incentive to it too...swimming, popsicle, a movie...
Right away we knew we had a good thing going when none of our plants died...which has been the fate of way too many in the past...then after just a few days we had little sprouts coming up everywhere!! It was so fun to see and talk about the different things we planted...some of our stakes went missing and it was a kind of game to guess what it was...with the advice and help of our master gardener neighbor Vonnie...we have finally figured out what everything is!
After just a few weeks we had Zuchinni coming out of our ears and their leaves were like elephant ears...huge!! the pictures just don't to it justice...everything has gone so well and we have a real deal garden harvest EVERYDAY...we could run a stand!! Seriously berserk how well everything is thriving...I have never seen/experienced anything like it....Candy attributes it to the fact that our children pray for the garden, and I know that that is probably just what did the trick!
I love being out in the garden...you can literally hear the bees just buzzing around all over but they're so busy doing their work that they want nothing to do with you...they are so adorable pollinating like crazy...look at the little yellow pollen balls sticking to their legs...so cute...so natural?...

Here are some photos of the Garden when we got home from Florida (we planted our first plant/seed the end of June)....and the haul from the last 2 days (I am not exaggerating at all....2 days)
Our Harvest....(we ate some for lunch before this pic was taken...our actual #s are below)
9 cucumbers
12 beets
16 strawberries
10 jalepenos
3 eggplant
10 zuchinni (does not count the 6-7 that were waay too big for us to eat....they went straight to the chickens)
4 crook neck yellow squash (ditto on the others of these that were too big)
3 green peppers
13 carrots
1 hubbard squash
14 ears of corn
too many tomatoes to count
(note: we hadn't picked anything for a few days prior to this....which is why we lost some of the squashes...they grow and ripen SO fast...we also lost quite a few strawberries that got too ripe)
Here's a list of what we have/have to look forward to enjoying...

this is a tiny tiny new cantaloupe....just to add to our other 7 almost ready to go...we're picking our first one in 3 more days!!

this is the cantaloupe and our crook neck squash
Crook-neck Squash
Teardrop Eggplant

Green Bell Peppers
Carrots (we have 2 real rows and tons and tons of spares all around the garden...Oscar was in charge of the carrots and sprinkled them out of a hole in the envelope as he walked around on planting day...in fact the boys prime argument for not filling their bag is because the things growing aren't weeds they're carrots)

Hubbard Squash (it's a winter squash...we have a bunch...this one weighs about 35 lbs)

Butternut Squash
Corn (Ruby & White)

Pie Pumpkins
Jack-o-lantern Pumpkins
Sugar Snap Peas
Ornamental Gourds
Happy Gardening out there!!

Amazing! And so good for your kids! Nate and I had a great garden in Provo when we were first married but i would love to do it again now that the kids are older. I hope we can get our act together soon because that bucket of veggies looks so good to me right now. Well done!
Leah...That's amazing! Very inspiring...and I love that you have chickens. It probably feels great to be so self-sufficient! Way to go!
That's seriously amazing! Anna would tell you to enter something in the state fair (we grew a huge zucchini and she's convinced she'd win).
Yeah for your garden!!! It looks amazing. You've got the touch. How's the little Garian plant???
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