Happy Halloween!!
We had lots of Halloween fun this year! We enjoyed some unseasonably warm weather which is always appreciated!! Here are some of the fun things we did!! * a note...we did bargain costumes this year! We have so many dress ups because our kids LOVE to dress up so I just decided we were going to be what we had (although G did borrow his red night costume-thanks Maddens). It was so fun because they were able to be something different for each event...I am just sad that I didn't have my camera to record some of the more creative choices!!
Carving Pumpkins for FHE

Downtown Trick or Treat
Our cute little town does a big down town trick or treating for all the little kids on the Friday before Halloween...we went this year and loved it!
we have a train track that runs through part of the downtown strip...Oscar LOVES trains but does not love the NOISE!
School Parties & Ward Trunk or Treat (both of which I forgot cameras for! Oops)Can I just say, in reference to the school parties... holy moly some parents wonder why their kids are terrible...look at what they let them dress up as! I, an adult, thought that some of the costumes were scary...Oscar nearly climbed up my leg trying to get away from some of the kids in the school costume parade! Please people get some brains!!
The Big Night!
her costume was as cute if not cuter from behind...her little tail wagged just right! I love this costume!!
This is my favorite house...I love the big web and spiders....so cute....really I only like cute halloween decorations...some of the houses were too scary and Eleanor & Oscar wouldn't go up!
Don't you just love Halloween clothes?? I do...in fact I love all holiday clothes...
Steve and I did not dress up this year but if I had I was going to be a referee and Steve a banker since those are our main roles these days! Here's what the kids came up with...
Gordon:A red night, a blue power ranger, a military person, and himself
Oscar: a green dragon knight (see Gordon's last year photos), a white power ranger,& a dragon
Eleanor: a pinkie princess, a fairy princess, a dragon, & a skunk
Maggie: a baby & a puma
We hope your Halloween was Happy & Safe!
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