While it was really kind of Gordon to offer to be Oscar's "spot" on the monkey bars....it didn't fare too well a plan...I literally made it to the scene (haulin' my 7 month prego booty) to have him slip through my fingers to the ground!
Initially he was pretty sad about his "falling like an airplane" but got over it pretty well and relatively quick....I was not really worried about him being really hurt even thought he was not walking on his right foot...I wanted Steve to come home and look at it. It didn't swell up or start to bruise so I/we thought we'd see how it went through the night....well...that was miserable...he was up A LOT...and then the next day he still wasn't walking on it but all the "tell- tale" clues for a break were not there...however after talking to the girls and them all encouraging me to get it looked at (and Steve who had been wanting me to "just" take him in--like hauling a not-walking 40 pounder and 2 other kids to the pediatrician's office is "just" easy!!) Well basically I did and once the doctor looked at it she got out her pad and began writing the STAT X-Ray request...(which we took directly to the lab and as it turns out our little party was the Radiologist's nightmare....2 extra kids and the one "helper" adult is pregnant...so poor oscar's leg was "secured" to the table by an extensive ammount of tape!) It turns out the poor kid fractured both the 1st and 2nd bones of the foot and needed to have it looked at by the pediatric orthopedic surgeon...which is what we did today...
He sure was cheerful to be going to see the special "bone doctor" who was going to fix his foot!
And since he loves orange these days....
and one more shot of the cutest casted boy in the whole world....
He wanted me to take a picture of his "sweet boot"
WHY is this making me laugh....ohmygosh!!!!!!
Ohhh... so sad!!! But he looks ADORABLE in that cast!!
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