Saturday, May 9, 2009

Butterfly House

Gordon's Preschool planned a darling trip to the butterfly house...It was a lot of fun...Gordon chose his outfit very Carefully. He chose a light colored shirt with no real designs on it because, "if the butterflies see this stuff (talking about all the shirt I had suggested) then they'll know I'm not a flower." He did need a little convincing even on the polo since there's a little bear on the chest...but we decided that it could just look like a little piece of dirt. Then he chose green shorts (he wanted pants) so that his legs looked like stems...Next he needed to be sprayed with "good smelling things. We scent tested all the hairspray and gel in our house and used the "best" one for his hair...he would have LOVED a spray of perfume but I just couldn't! I love this little Gordon he is such a character! We had a great time!

Gordon's class

* Funny enough is that the yellow shirt Oscar is wearing is the very shirt that Gordon rejected because it didn't look authentic flower enough...Oscar was then plagued by butterflies the whole time we were there....he was a little freaked out by them and so kept shooing them off of himself, and Ellie kept having them land on her hairbows!! I don't know how we didn't end up with pictures of the kids with them on them...though Gordon did get a little butterfly action he was just so wild in running to show me that most of them took off before I could get a picture!

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