This year the Munns Family Reunion was amazing. It was so wonderfully planned and executed. It was a real success. We had 4 days worth of action planned out for the Whole family to enjoy.
Our theme this year was Magnificent Munns. The girls developed our SWEET logo and had it put on everything...T-shirts...banners and agendas...I loved it!
Vanessa opened up the Reunion Kick off with some phenomenal energy getting us so excited for the Magnificent reunion. In the Great Room all of the grand kids lined up on benches in the middle of the room... She spoke to the kids about Super Heroes and what makes them heroes. They are Loyal, Trustworthy, Dependable, Honest, Strong, Courageous... She pointed at the Grandfather, Father and Husband of our great big family, my dad, and said... "he is all of these things. And you can be too". She then asked the kids if they knew who OUR ultimate Hero is. The room got a bit quieter and one of my nieces answered, "Jesus". She was right.
My dad then got up and talked about his great, big family and how much he loves us. As I was sent in to his office to get "something" out he told the grand kids about how grandma has always said, "A child with many names is much loved". I then helped my dad hand out a shiny heart shaped balloon to each of his grand kids... Libbler, Go Go, Otter, Kitten, Rooster, Chubs, Boo, Jigga, Sissy Pantaloons, Dollface (goldie)... the list went on. It was such a sight. 30 little balloons bobbing around... all weekend long.

My dad never passes up an opportunity to light some fire works and it was done right this year too!! I missed the works since I went to the airport to pick up my darling man--he works hard for the $ and had to stay in Toledo to finish up the year!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Let the Games Begin
8-9:00 am Rise & Shine~ Breakfast: cold cereal, yogurt and juice
Family Food Assignment: Leah & Steve, Jake & Tiff
Family Prayer & Blessing: Daniel
9:30 am LET THE GAMES BEGIN: Coordinators Tyler & Erika, Jordan & Shanda
Olympic Events: Balance Beam, Nail Driving, Obstacle Course, Softball Distance throw, Football Pass Accuracy, Standing Broad Jump, Races, Shot Put (ribbons to be awarded)
12:00 pm Lunch: Pizza
Food Assignment: Ryan & Heather, Collin & Christine
Food Blessing: Laken
1:00 pm Skeet Shooting and Target Accuracy Competition (ribbons to be awarded)
3:00 pm Cow Pie Softball, Swimming, Relaxing: Ryan & Heather, Steve & Leah (Sam & John to pick up horses for Family Activity)
6:00 pm Dinner: Lasagna, Salad, Bread
Food Assignment: Leah & Steve, Tiff & Jacob
Family Prayer & Blessing: Nate
7:30 pm RIBBON CEREMONY: Erika & Go-Dad
10:00 pm Snacks & Bed: Get your rest for the Family Service Project and RANCH EXTRAVAGANZA!!
Friday, Jan 2
Service Project & Ranch Extravaganza
8-9:00 am Rise & Shine~ Pancakes
Food Assignment: Erika & Tyler, Vanessa & Nate
Family Prayer & Blessing: Ryan
10:00 am School Bag /Baby Blankets Service Projects: Kara, Heather, & Leah
12:00 pm Lunch: Publix Subs
Food Assignment: Shelly & John, Christine & Collin
Blessing: Jamison
1:00 pm Horseback Riding/ Trail Riding at Five Star Ranch: Ryan, John & Sam
2:30 pm Rodeo at the Ranch~ Dad & Mom, Jacob & Sam
Calf Roping~ Ribbons to winners
Tail Tying~ Ribbons to winners
Animal Husbandry (Ryan & Go-Dad): We will provide the rubber gloves thanks to instructor Tom Pratt!
5:30 pm Fire Building Contest
6:00 pm Dinner: "Barn Chili" & "Southern Syrup Sop"
Food Assignment: Go-Dad & Grandma, Jordan & Shanda
Family Prayer & Blessing: John
Great Grandad Douberly Story "He was MAGNIFICENT" by Go-Dad
9:00 pm All brave kids to the Ranch for scary stories and roasting marshmallows...and snacks: Go-Dad
All Big Girls Par-tay at the house after babies are in BED!!!
Saturday, Jan 3
Fishing Tournament at Hacienda Pond
8-9:00 am Rise & Shine: Donuts, Juice, Eggs & Toast
Food Assignment: Tiffany& Jacob, Daniel & Emily
Family Prayer & Blessing: Leah
10:30 am Fishing Tournament Begins (Girls & Kids): Collin & Christine, Grandma & Go-Dad (Trophies & $Cash Prizes)
MOST Fish: Ages 2-11= $10 Ages 12-60ish= $20
BIGGEST Fish: Ages 2-11= $10 Ages 12-60ish= $20
12:00 pm Lunch: Taco Soup
Food Assignment: Vanessa & Nate, Heather & Ryan
Blessing: Gordon
Awards Ceremony
1:00 pm Afternoon Free Time/Activities: Practice for the Talent Show, Bounce house, Swim, Ride Horses, Relax, Nap
5:30 pm Dinner: Macaroni Grill To Go
Food Assignment: Kara & Sam, Daniel & Emily
Family Prayer & Blessing: Sam
6:30 pm TALENT SHOW!!! EVERYONE MUST PARTICIPATE! Shelly & John, Vanessa & Nate
10:00 pm Late Night Swim, Snacks & Off to BED!!
Sunday, Jan 4
7-8:00 am Rise & Shine Breakfast: Breakfast Casserole, Fruit, Juice (Fast NEXT Sunday!)
Food Assignment: Shelly & John, Kara & Sam
Family Prayer & Blessing: Tyler
8:30 am Closing Ceremonies: Grandma & Go-Dad
Grandma Munns Activity/Devotional
11:45 am Lunch: Baked Potato Bar
Food Assignment: Erika & Tyler, Leah & Steve
Blessing: Anna
1:00 pm St Cloud Ward Meetings (must leave the house at 12:40 pm)
5:00 pm Dinner: Leftovers
Food Assignment: All girls
Family Prayer & Blessing: Ryan
* IMPORTANT: Food Assignments~ Be sure food is ready on time and DON'T FORGET THE CLEAN-UP AFTER!!
* IMPORTANT: Don't be late for prayers & meals
*PARENTS: NO Kids Food Allowed Upstairs or Eating on Furniture.
*Activity Assignments: BE PREPARED/ CLEAN UP
*If you need $$ for Purchases of Food, Supplies, etc., See the FAMILY BANKER
* PARENTS: Please NO DIAPERS left at doorways...this will kill the Family Banker!!
All of this Wild & Crazy fun led to one tuckerd out Go-Dad!!
Thank you SO much Mom & Dad for hosting and bankrolling this wonderful and memorable Family Reunion! You are SO "Magnificent"!And thanks to all those who worked long and hard to have this run so smoothly--Well DONE!!