Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Oh Gordeler...

So last night I was at my book club meeting and I was talking to the Music Leader from Gordon's Primary at church. She was going on about how funny Gordon is and the hilarious things he favorite...story was of the Sunday after President Monson was announced as the new Prophet. The teachers were talking to all the kids about the new First Presidency and they were naming the new counselors. Gordon was called on to name one of the new counselors and he choose the following response...
"The second counselor is Dieter F. Uchtdorf (split second pause) actually the second counselor is Dieter F. Poopdorf"
Soooooo.....yeah the Music lady went on to say that she was sorry but she could not stop laughing and every time Gordon caught her looking at him he would say something like...
"really his name is Poopdorf"
"did you know I used to know President Poopdorf"
etc. etc. etc.
Oh I just love my little pistol of a boy!


Elizabeth said...

hahahhaah, that is hilarious! I miss you guys and wish we lived closer!!

Shelly Hyde said...

oh my gosh... we are seriously rolling right now... man you have to appreciate that kids wit

Mark and Meghan said...

love it! that little face he's making in that picture looks just like YOU!!!

kara jo haught said...

gorderler what next.. is he isnt carefully pre poopdorf is going to have heavenly father you know what.... him! HAHAHA

Erika Anderson said...

ahh. gordon and poop go hand in hand....I think I can count on one hand the number of conversations that has NOT had poop sneek into somehow!

Erika Anderson said...

leah, I've been meaning to ask you...what is your blogger can fit so much on one post...i need that

notorialist said...

NO! he is my favorite.
wait, oscar and ellie don't read this, do they?

i love you leah rachelle/leah rmunns/leah almonds/hellllooooo leaaaaahhhh.


notorialist said...

P.S. this is sydney.
P.S.S. want to go to club omni tonight?

Amber said...

This is so funny!
Thanks for sharing.
How the heck are you?
Gordon is getting so big..

Tiffany said...

Can't wait to see you guys! What a kid!

Cami said...

Leah! Hey, I just came across your blog. How are you doing? Fill me in on what's going on in your life.

Cami said...

Lara does have a blog. It's linked on the side of my blog as "Live from Washington." Or it's

lulu said...

I'm so glad that you commented on Cami's blog! How are you and what in the world have you been up to? I seriously cannot believe that you have 3 kids! Oh my gosh! We are still in Lindon and Bryan started his own company as a Pool Contractor last year. I'm at home full time and most of the time I love it. Your kids are so cute and I can't believe how much Gordon looks like his daddy. Can you say "Spitting Image." You look great, from the few pics I saw. I'm still trying to recover from Blake.