...a paper clip up your nose!
Yes, a paper clip UP your NOSE!
Saturday night when I was changing his diaper I noticed something up his nose, I thought it was just another giant booger as he tends to get with all the cold weather these days. So being a mom I did not hesitate to "pick it" for him. However to my horror as I began, I quickly noticed that this was no ordinary booger.
All of a sudden events from the last TWO days flashed before my eyes, Oscar coming in from the toy room looking very nervous but kind of laughing saying over and over again Nose, Nose, Nose...then trying to pick his nose... picking his nose all day LONG...nodding his head up and down and picking his nose...crying to me, while picking his nose...Each time I tried to pick his no with no reward.
I then quickly and calmly told Steve to grab the tweezers. When the proper tools were assembled I asked Steve to Hold his head...at this Steve began to worry and asked what was wrong. I briefly told him what had happened over the past two days...then in a jiff and a few flinches later we had the nose clogging culprit--a paper clip! It was totally slimed, totally huge in comparison to little Otter's nose, and totally disgusting!!!